
Meet the member – Derek McCabe

Well Derek, how’s the form? How’s everything going for you?

All good considering the mad few months we have had with all this Covid malarky

Tell us about how you got interested in Triathlon and how you came to join Pulse?

I was never interested I was asked to design the logo for the club by Alison & Liz way back in the day…I had also just recently had Knee reconstruction & had bought a bike for rehab & Alison (Who has a lot to answer for) said why not try a triathlon but sure I had never swam a length in my life but the the thought was put into my head…… I Should never have listened……..

Tell us about your first race?

My first race was Tri a try in Carrick & it was an eye opener.. I had never ran off a bike before let alone swimming in a river… Thankfully it was a 500m swim & all down river with a very strong current so i just floated down with the current..

We had no club gear in those days & a running vest was put on for the bike..

The Bike was uneventful but trying to run off the bike I couldn’t get my head around the not being able to run lark my head was telling my legs to run but my legs were going WTF… Finally I got running after about 3k & finished the race & had a cigarette at the finish line & that was it.. I was in….

I decided on the way home that day to ditch the Cigs…. (Well until the packet was finished)

What’s your favourite race/distance to race?

I love Ironman.. The Training up to it, the crack with the lads & the day…. Ironman Lanzarote is my favourite race… I went in 2008 with some of the lads to Lanzarote to train for Ironman Frankfurt & Ironman Lanzarote was on at the time but after the 1st day Cycling in the hills & the “WIND” I wondered why people would put themselves through this madness. But 5 years later I was on the start line with all the other fruitcakes.. It’s everything they say & more I’ve had good days & I’ve had bad days there but if you get a chance Do It……… Even for the Crack the next Day….

What’s your favorite Pulse memory so far?

So Many..

Many a Kilkee walking around with bottle of Prosecco & bike in hand hours after the race trying to get home with one eye open… And the party that night Nuf Said..…….

The crack after Races in Lanza or before with the Slagging 2018 when

A few of us headed to do Lanzarote that was some laugh. Vincent Galvin telling us a story about having to use a restaurant on the run for the loo as we arrived at said restaurant for a meal the following day….. Only Vinny…..

Dying on the run in Lanza 2016 & Matt Bird shouting at (Some Supporter) me to hurry up & finish as he wanted to go to Dinner he was starving ..

But I have 2 moments that will always stand out & they were my 1st year in Lanza & carrying my son across the finish line & 3 years later he ran across the line with me while I carried my daughter over the line moments I will never ever forget…..

What’s the best thing about being in a Triathlon club?

Training with then lads & the slagging. Alan (Retired), Kevin (Retired & Too Old Now & Keep Falling over), Ciat, Barry O’Sullivan & Matt, too many to mention over the years. I don’t get to do any of the club sessions any more as most of the session times don’t suit me (I’ve 2 kids with a better social life than me) but I train with Matt & Ciat on the bike as much as I can & we have good oul banter while the lads work me over………

When you’re not swimming or pedalling or running, what keeps you busy?

My Kids.. My 9 year old son has more training sessions than me per week with Soccer, Gaelic football & Hurling & my daughter in gymnastics & has also now started playing Basketball………. And my wife runs with Brother Pearse so life is very busy running here & there….

Outside of Triathlon, what’s your favourite sporting memory or achievement? (Doesn’t have to be your own!)

I played Rugby for St Mary’s College & I loved it.. I won various leagues & cups & those were brilliant days…. (And Nights)

Obviously Kona is the dream for a lot of members, but are there any other bucket list, once-in-a-lifetime type races you’d love to experience?

Norseman…….. Hmmmmmm

What’s the next Triathlon goal you’d like to tick off?

I’m down for Ironman Mallorca in October……. Will it happen……. Let’s see

What’s your favourite book/movie/tv show? What do you like about them?

Breaking Bad probably the greatest TV programme I’ve ever watched..

What are the go-to tunes/podcasts for a training session?

Anything to lessen the pain. I love music but can’t run with it on (I’ve too many arguments with myself in my head) I do try but keep hitting next song… but I do listen to music while on the Turbo.. Dance, U2, Foo Fighters Radiohead……..

Who inspires you, be it in sports or in regular life?

Kevin Doyle for someone so old to keep going I only have admiration for……….. Only messing Kevin you know the truth……. 🙂

What one nugget of advice would you give to a new member starting out on their Triathlon journey?

Don’t Join a WhatsApp group with Fergus Walsh.

Enjoy every moment whatever race your doing don’t & get caught up with times & needing All the latest gear you don’t need it yet………..

That will come with time believe me I’ve an attic full of “The Fastest” gear…….

Finally, can you tell us an interesting fact or story we don’t know about you?

I hate the dark evenings & I’m shite at triathlons…………

Pulse Triathlon Club: swimming, cycling, running and socialising since 2003

Cycle Superstore westpark