Meet the member – Mike Gonda

Well Mike, how’s the form? How’s everything going for you?

Everything is well, still moving forward even with this pandemic, I’m still in consistent training to make me active. Recovering with our sub 3 marathon training that took us for a month.

Tell us about how you got interested in Triathlon and how you came to join Pulse?

My sports were basketball and I did some trail or mountain bike for some time. Then, I met Dee O’Connor, who was Michaela’s nurse and advised me to join Pulse Club ’cause she heard a lot of stories from Chaela that I’m into mad marathon.

She mentioned that the club has an amazing coaches in all categories of triathlon. Big challenge for me at that time was I don’t even know how to float so I had to start from the scratch.

Tell us about your first race?

My first race was Tri-athy in 2016 . When I was approaching the starting line butterflies was in my stomach, especially before the swim I was having a second thoughts If I will still go ahead or not. I remember that I was pretending swimming at the shallow area but for real I was just walking!

What’s your favourite race/distance to race?

I would say full distance and half distance

What’s your favourite Pulse memory so far?

It was my first Barcelona IM in 2017, we really had an amazing race, great supporters and we enjoyed each other’s company in Octoberfest like a family celebration.

What’s the best thing about being in a Triathlon club?

First, you’ll never have to train alone even in this pandemic, everyone has been a great motivator especially since I was a newbie. You’ll get a lot of tips as everyone has been sharing trial and error experiences that helps you make a right choice.

When you’re not swimming or pedalling or running, what keeps you busy?

Decluttering the house, cooking, doing the laundry and I love walking too. And of course, few drinks after all my activities to make it balance.

Outside of Triathlon, what’s your favourite sporting memory or achievement? (Doesn’t have to be your own!)

Playing basketball, our Ayuda team was the champion.

What’s the bucket list, once in a lifetime race you’d love to do?

Every triathletes dream is to race in Kona like me but I’m not that fast. But I know that if you plan, prepare and enjoy it at the same time everything will be possible.

What’s the next Triathlon goal you’d like to tick off?

It will be World Triathlon Championship in Almere to represent Ireland this coming October.

What’s your favourite book/movie/tv show?

I’m not really into it, I do watch tv but still related to triathlon or basketball.

What are the go-to tunes/podcasts for a training session?

I don’t really listen to music while I’m on training to keep on my focus.

Who inspires you, be it in sports or in regular life?

My Chaela, and many of the Pulsers inspires me like Dee O’Connor, Miriam Staunton, Marion Moche, Rachael Lee, the Naughton sisters – Lorraine and Susan, Coach Dazz Hughes and of course Champ Caitriona Ryan

Finally, what one nugget of advice would you give to a new member starting out on their Triathlon journey?

Don’t hesitate to approach any of the Pulsers as everyone has been really supportive and a motivator. Anything is possible if you dream big, work hard and believe in yourself. Don’t be afraid to fail, be afraid not to try.

Pulse Triathlon Club: swimming, cycling, running and socialising since 2003

Cycle Superstore westpark