Meet the member – Simon Owens

Well Simon, how’s the form? How’s everything going for you?

Things are going well at present, very thankful everyone in the family is fit and healthy but          looking forward to getting back to some sort of normality…. Whatever that is!!! Never thought I would miss the m50 commute on a daily basis.

Tell us about how you got interested in Triathlon and how you came to join Pulse?

In 2017 Niall Connaughton and I started running together and did our first Dublin City Marathon. At the time we were training with a group from Insanity Fitness in Palmerstown and during the following year Niall joined Pulse and subsequently invited me along. Never look back since.

Tell us about your first race?

My first official race was the Dungarvan Tried & Tested Olympic in Waterford. Difficult to remember the finer details but I certainly got one hell of a shock racing in the sea for the firs time…. I took a few elbows to the head. It was an incredibly warm day and at that stage of my fledging triathlon career hydration wasn’t a significant part of my thought process.  I think my overriding feeling after the race was the great team spirit from all the Pulsers that took part that weekend and the support of the triathlon community as we raced.  

What’s your favourite race/distance to race?

Good question, I haven’t competed in significant number of races, but I would probably say Olympic or 70.3. Any race long enough to allow me to make up some distance post the doggy paddle swim.

What’s your favourite Pulse memory so far?

I think my favorite Pulse memory is definitely linked to the Dublin City Marathon, the support you receive throughout the course from Pulse members is incredible, without doubt one of the main reasons for coming back each year. Always a wise move to wear the Pulse jersey during the race as it always attracts great support.

What’s the best thing about being in a Triathlon club?

Without doubt meeting new friends, I know some of the people I have met in Pulse will be friends for life. The variety of training is also another great benefit.

When you’re not swimming or pedalling or running, what keeps you busy?

When I joined Pulse, I was still heavily involved in my Gaa Club, Round Towers Clondalkin but these days it is usually more focused on family, work, study and supporting Liverpool …. Sadly!!!!

Outside of Triathlon, what’s your favourite sporting memory or achievement?

I played Gaa for a very long time and was lucky to be part of some very successful teams, so I would have to say my favourite sporting memory would be related to my time with Round Towers Gaa, of late though the Dubs and Liverpool have been quite successful so some good memories there too ….. !!! lol

What’s the bucket list, once in a lifetime race you’d love to experience?

Great question, I would love to race Triathlon in the US, California maybe or also the 70.3 in Dubai. Marathon wise, Chicago or NYC are on the immediate bucket list.

What’s the next Triathlon goal you’d like to tick off?

At this stage, I would be happy with a Triathlon around Westpark gym, but really, I would like to do tri-Tyrone locally or Marbella 70.3.

What’s your favourite book/movie/tv show? What do you like about them?

Books wise, usually reading Irish history books ….. currently reading Champagne Football about ex FAI boss John Delaney.

Movie wise, usually war movies …. Really think I missed that vocation in life. The hurt Locker is a classic if you are into that type of thing.

TV Show …. Some seriously good classics out there from The Wire, Breaking Bad to Ozark.

What are the go-to tunes/podcasts for a training session?

Tunes …. Embarrassed to say but I am a big fan of house or electric music so usually that’s what’s in the ears on a long run, if not then usually the complete playlist from the Coronas and some Irish ballads.

Podcasts …. Always sport based. Currently loving The Guardian, Football Weekly.

Who inspires you, be it in sports or in regular life?

Tough one, I tend not to look too much outside my own circle, I wouldn’t be one for taking inspiration from ex sport stars, I probably did that when playing Gaa. Now a days I tend to look at my own mother and draw inspiration from what she has been through from a health perspective or others who have suffered with illness and fought back. So, I tend to just keep telling myself so many people would love to be in my shoes doing these long   painful runs or cycles but can’t for whatever reasons. So that kind of thing inspires me more so.

Finally, what one nugget of advice would you give to a new member starting out on their Triathlon journey?

Oh god, like I said… I don’t have a massive number of races under my belt so should probably leave that to the pros but in Pulse we are incredibly lucky to have so many excellent coaches and seasoned athletes, so advice would be to hook up and join a training pod with a group that will really push you to your limits but at the same time making the training very enjoyable.

Pulse Triathlon Club: swimming, cycling, running and socialising since 2003

Cycle Superstore westpark