Meet the Member – Kevin Doyle

When did you join Pulse?

I joined pulse in 2010, I was a total newbie, I didn’t own a bike, I couldn’t swim but I did have a pair of runners

Had you any experience of Triathlon before joining the club?

Never, it was only starting to grow in 2010 and still quite elite. I really thought this is not for me, I’ve never been so wrong, after my first race I was hooked.

How and why did you get started in Triathlon?

I work in Westpark fitness and was always into sport and fitness. I worked with Alison Kane, one of the founder members of pulse. She asked me would I be interested in doing a triathlon, so I said yes and never looked back.

What was your first race?

My first race was the Pulse Port Beach Sprint Triathlon in 2011, I was terrified! Sea swim ahhh

What’s your favourite race/distance to race?

I really like taking part in the half Ironman distance, I feel it is a real challenge and really keeps me focused on my trading through the season

What’s your most embarrassing or funny race/training story?

Over the years I have made every mistake possible, I’ve gone out on the run with my helmet still on, I’ve put my wetsuit on backwards, I’ve taken the wrong runners out of transition, I’ve even famously come in a lap early by mistake, if there is a mistake to be made I’ll make it.

What’s your favourite Pulse memory so far?

 This is an unusual favourite memory but while training for IM Lanzarote I had a bad fall of the bike, I will never forget the outpouring of support from all in pulse, it was amazing, I could never train with any other club.

What’s the best thing about being in a club?

 It’s so much easier to train with people than on your own, all the great coaches and sessions provided by pulse ensure you enjoy the sport and gets lots out of it. I have made so many friends from pulse, that’s the best thing

What’s next for you?

I want to continue racing, lots of opportunities in pulse to compete at your own level, club championships, National Series, age group wins, there might even be another Ironman in me!

Pulse Triathlon Club: swimming, cycling, running and socialising since 2003

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