Meet the Member – Siobhán Quain

When did you join Pulse?

 Joined Pulse after the Pulse Open Day in Westpark 2014 – Eoin Kennedy dragged me along that day reluctantly missing a 6 Nations Match to go to it…  😉 

I hadn’t a clue what a club really did… I didn’t know Dublin very well and after just buying a road bike I thought sure at least I might find some new cycle routes this way.

Had you any experience of Triathlon before joining the club?

 As a smallie we used to “compete” in Pony Club Tetrathlons involving Running, Swimming, Shooting and Horse Riding.  I even found myself on the UL intervarsity Tetrathlon team one year … But I had never swam outside a pool until I jumped in the river in Athy for my first Tri

How and why did you get started in Triathlon?

 Honestly – Triathlon had never really been on my radar – I hadn’t swam in nearly 10 years and my running has always been a bit pathetic but I now had a bike.

My brother bought me a Gaelforce West entry for my 30th Birthday (once I could prove to him that I could change a tyre) – Joining PULSE was about getting fitter for Adventure races… Triathlons just happened along the way.

What was your first race?

My First PULSE race was the Olympic distance in Athy  – There’s a picture of Jen, Karen, Eoin, Mark and myself at the start of the race that pops up on my FB memories ever year and I LOVE IT. What a great day and a start of my Triathlon Journey – enjoyed it so much I grabbed an entry to HOTW and on the way down home rang my sister in law begging her to go out and reccie the HOTW bike route the next day to see if I’d be able to survive it.

What’s your favourite race/distance to race?

 Love the Olympic and Half distance – I don’t like having to drive longer to a race than it takes me to complete it so Sprints are rarely entered. 

What’s your most embarrassing or funny race/training story?

 The day “fionnuala” was created  –  I won’t elaborate but anyone who I trained for Frankfurt IM with will understand.

What’s your favourite Pulse memory so far?

Oh gosh so many –  Nothing beats a bit of tent celebrations below in Kilkee with the sun shining on our backs having the LOLs and the Bants over a beer after HOTW

What’s the best thing about being in a club?

 The people make the place…. I would never have pushed myself to do half of what I have done without the encouragement and friendship of Club members.

Pulse has a large female participation rate and I think seeing others do all these crazy races gives you confidence in yourself.

What’s next for you?

 I have a couple of things on the “I’d love to do” list this year but for the moment Sheephaven Middle Distance is the only definite race.

Back to my lovely Hills  🙂  #LoveHills

Pulse Triathlon Club: swimming, cycling, running and socialising since 2003

Cycle Superstore westpark