Hardman Triathlon 2021 – Ciat Joyce

Racking my bike in transition at 5:30am on August 28th, I spot a lad with a Hardman hoodie from last year. “What’s this race like”, I ask.  “It’s not as bad as Lanza”, he replies.  “Lucky for me I’ve completed that twice”, I say.  Rewind 2 years and a few months to May 2019 when […]

Hardman Triathlon 2020 – Keith Clarges

Strap yourselves in folks, if you’re willing to read to the end, you’ve about 70.3 paragraphs ahead of you! “GO GO Pulse person”! I look at my wife, Michelle, and ask, “Did I just shout, ‘GO GO Pulse person’”? She confirms that I did and bursts out laughing. I laugh at the ridiculousness of it […]

IRONMAN Wales 2019 – Stephen McCann

IRONMAN Wales September 15th 2019 Having arrived in Wales on the Wednesday before the event I had plenty of time to get in a few swims, a short run and a look at some of the bike course. Ironman had everything well organised from the registration through to the briefing so by the time race […]

IRONMAN ITALY 2019 – Kevin Derrig

I’ve thought to myself for a while that too many feckin eejits in Pulse do mad races like Ironman, and I decided that 2019 would be the year that I became one of them. First, why Italy?  There are a lot of options out there but I knew that with my wife studying part time […]

IRONMAN Cascias 70.3 – Grant Jacobs

So, here goes my first race report for Pulse. And I’ve got no one to blame but myself! Here be told a lesson of how ignorance can truly be bliss as I had mentally signed up to do Cascais 70.3 before I’d even completed any sort of triathlon. I hadn’t even done a sprint race […]

IRONMAN Copenhagen 2019 – Jo Lynch

Ironman Copenhagen – the one with the ferret! I wasn’t supposed to do Copenhagen. I had actually signed up for Cork when it was first announced. However after getting drenched at Barcelona last year I questioned whether I really wanted to risk an Ironman in Ireland! I pulled the plug on Ireland a few months […]

Joanna Butler…..her journey to Kona

I love reading Pulser’s stories, race reports and all, it’s like a door to a different world but I never intended to be writing one myself. Yet here I am typing……for me it’s a story about how we evolve, influenced by people we meet and unexpected things that catch imagination. Sometimes it can take you […]

Pulse Triathlon Club: swimming, cycling, running and socialising since 2003

Cycle Superstore westpark